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Cruise Itinerary

Passage through Melanesia:Cairns - Nadi
Scenic Eclipse II Scenic Ocean Cruises 28 September 2024 16 Nights
  • Featuring exploratory Zodiacs, kayaks, helicopters submarine
Cairns is the gateway to many of northern Australia’s natural attractions. Suit up and head offshore to explore the incredible world beneath the waves at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Great Barrier Reef. Filled with incredible beaches, coral reefs, and turquoise blue waters, you can swim, snorkel, dive, and enjoy a living masterpiece that is so big it can be seen from outer space.
Cairns is the gateway to many of northern Australia’s natural attractions. Suit up and head offshore to explore the incredible world beneath the waves at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Great Barrier Reef. Filled with incredible beaches, coral reefs, and turquoise blue waters, you can swim, snorkel, dive, and enjoy a living masterpiece that is so big it can be seen from outer space.
Cairns is the gateway to many of northern Australia’s natural attractions. Suit up and head offshore to explore the incredible world beneath the waves at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Great Barrier Reef. Filled with incredible beaches, coral reefs, and turquoise blue waters, you can swim, snorkel, dive, and enjoy a living masterpiece that is so big it can be seen from outer space.
Cairns is the gateway to many of northern Australia’s natural attractions. Suit up and head offshore to explore the incredible world beneath the waves at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Great Barrier Reef. Filled with incredible beaches, coral reefs, and turquoise blue waters, you can swim, snorkel, dive, and enjoy a living masterpiece that is so big it can be seen from outer space.
52/10/24At Sea
63/10/24At Sea
74/10/24Guadalcanal Island
85/10/24Santa Ana Island
96/10/24At Sea
Vanikoro is part of the Solomon Islands’ Temotu Province. Although Vanikoro is usually considered as one entity, there are two major inhabited and several smaller uninhabited islands almost entirely surrounded by a reef. Vanikoro’s population has two distinct origins: the majority is Melanesian and lives mainly on Teanu and Banie’s northern shore, the Polynesian inhabitants live along Banie’s south coast.
Espiritu Santo is the largest island in Vanuatu, an archipelago country in the South Pacific. It’s known for its beaches, such as Champagne Beach and Lonnoc Beach, with coral reefs and clear, sheltered waters. The town of Luganville has WWII relics like Quonset huts at Main Wharf. Nearby, popular dive sites include the sunken SS President Coolidge cruise liner and Million Dollar Point’s submerged U.S. war machinery.
129/10/24Ambryn Islands
1310/10/24At Sea
1411/10/24Tanna Island, Vanuatu
1512/10/24At Sea
A major seaport, Fiji's second-largest city, Lautoka is the main center of the sugar and timber industries. Towering royal palms march in a long, orderly row from the main street to the harbor and into the heart of the city. Although Lautoka grew up around the Fijan village of Namoli, it is a very Indian town today.
1714/10/24At Sea
Call to speak with one of our cruise specialists on 0330 094 0218